Vol 19 Issue 1

    A method for classifying blockchains and crypto-assets using ‘switching circuits’ Carlo Gola, Guido Befani, Patrizio Fiorenza, Federica Laurino, Lorenzo Lesina RMM 2024 01 – Excerpt 1

    Portfolio optimization and risk management through Hierarchical Risk Parity and Logic Learning Machine: a case study applied to the Turkish stock market Giacomo Gaggero, Pier Giuseppe Giribone, Marco Muselli, Erenay Ünal, Damiano Verda  –  RMM 2024 01 – Excerpt 2

    Leveraging Digital Transformation in Risk Management Marina Brogi, Valentina Lagasio, Danilo Mercuri, Jasmine Pirillo, Marco Venditti – RMM 2024 01 – Excerpt 3

    Stress testing social and governance risks: the potential of ESG rating agencies Simone Alberto Valletta RMM 2024 01 – Excerpt 4

    AIFIRM website section dedicated to free E-books publication – RMM 2024 01 – Excerpt 5

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