Vol 16 Issue 3

Managing the Risks of Negative Interest Rates Ioannis Akkizidis – RMM 2021 03 – Excerpt 1
Fundamental review of the trading book – Stato dell’arte sulle implementazioni dell’Internal Model Approach Carlo Frazzei, Davide Segantin, Patrizia Dolci, Alessandro Garufi, Simone Luca Zavattari, Ilaria Giommaroni, Andrea Rodonò – RMM 2021 03 – Excerpt 2
Money laundering transaction detection with classification tree models Paolo Giudici, Giulia Marini – RMM 2021 03 – Excerpt 3
A remark on some extensions of the meanvariance portfolio selection models Enrico Moretto – RMM 2021 03 – Excerpt 4
Covid-19 crisis and its impacts on the economic and financial sector Camillo Giliberto – RMM 2021 03 – Excerpt 5
Deep Learning for seasonality modelling in Inflation-Indexed Swap pricing Pier Giuseppe Giribone, Duccio Martelli – RMM 2021 03 – Excerpt 6
RMM 2021 03