Vol 17 Issue 3

Implications of IFRS 17 in European financial stability: accounting methodology and evaluation modelling   Stefano de Nichilo – RMM 2022 03 – Excerpt 1

Risk-Adjusted Loan Pricing Franco Fiordelisi, Carlo Palego, Annalisa Richetto, Giulia Scardozzi – RMM 2022 03 – Excerpt 2

The impact of negative interest rates on the pricing of options written on equity: a technical study for a suitable estimate of early termination Anna Bottasso, Lorenzo Bruno,  Pier Giuseppe Giribone – RMM 2022 03 – Excerpt 3

The new supervisory outlier test (SOT) on net interest income (NII): empirical evidence from a sample of Italian banks Domenico Curcio, Igor Gianfrancesco, Annalisa Pansini, Alina Preger  – RMM 2022 03 – Excerpt 4

Modello LGSR forward looking David Cavallini, Francesco Letizia – RMM 2022 03 – Excerpt 5

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